DONATE HERE to help stop the devastating Pioneer Trail / Interstate-95 Interchange!
SIGN the Petition here to protect central Florida’s wetlands and nature corridors.
Please come to our Spruce Creek Benefit Event on December 8th, 2024! See below for more information, and get your tickets (only $50 for live music, food, and great view) here:

Updated 2024 Local Candidate Positions are here! Learn who opposes the bad Interchange! Vote your values by August 20, 2024! Visit our election information page at:
SJRWMD overrides Judge’s ruling and grants Interchange Permit; Citizens plan to appeal
At their March 12, 2024, meeting, the SJRWMD overruled the Judge’s recommendation and granted the I-95 / Pioneer Trail Interchange permit. Read more about this travesty here, and what you can do to help. And big thanks to the many citizens who spoke out!

Victory as Judge Rules Against Pioneer Interchange!
This battle was won, but the war is not yet over. The St. Johns River Water Management District Board may overrule the Division of Administrative Hearing Judge’s Recommended Order at their March 12, 2024, meeting, so we need people to show up in Palatka and encourage them to deny the permit once and for all! Click here for more details.

Please come to our December 9th, 2023 (1-3pm) Spruce Creek Celebration and Fundraiser Event to help stop the awful Pioneer Trail/I-95 Interchange! Catered food and entertainment provided. Location: Yaupon Brothers American Tea in Edgewater, FL. Tickets are only $50 — get them here!

Send Your Comments to USACoE ASAP to Stop the Interchange!
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had an open window for public comment until May 29, 2023, but should still be able to review all comments received if provided soon. If we send in enough comments of opposition, we have a very good chance of stopping this project! If you would like to help, please send comments to Project Manager Veronica Beech at or by telephone at 850-763-0717, Ext. 6. If you need inspiration, please see the easy to use pre-written letter text below, or visit our longer letter here (sent to the FDEP previously) or check out our Press Release here.
And here is where to find more info about the project:
Army Corps Permit site: Army Corps Detailed info: FDOT Project website:
Subject: Please Deny Permit for I-95/Pioneer Trail Interchange [SAJ-2017-02279 (SP-VCB)]
Dear Ms. Beech,
I believe that the proposed highway interchange at Interstate-95 and Pioneer Trail in New Smyrna Beach is not in the public’s best interest, and that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should deny it. I am concerned about the high cost ($120+ million of taxpayer dollars), reduction in quality of life, and most importantly, negative impacts to the environment that such a development would bring. I believe that the area on which the interchange is being proposed (84% of which is wetlands or surface waters) is land that is critical to the health and well-being of the Doris Leeper Spruce Creek Preserve and Spruce Creek itself, an Outstanding Florida Waterbody.
Wetlands and forests serve important ecological functions that are of benefit to people and nature alike, including cleaning our air and water. Losing this valuable nature corridor to an interchange and subsequent high-impact developments is simply not worth it, nor has a comprehensive evaluation of these cumulative environmental impacts ever been assessed. Furthermore, the need for such an interchange has not been justified substantially enough, and local citizen input needs to be considered, as they have been fighting against it for over 30 years!
I request that significant consideration be given instead to the installation of a Nature Over/Underpass at or near this location to provide an adequate ecological connection between the coastal Spruce Creek Preserve and inland areas of Florida to maintain the area’s biodiversity. Alternately, FDOT could be required to purchase much more land for conservation, especially land on the Florida Forever acquisition list, which this project would otherwise destroy.
Thank you for your consideration.
[Your Name]

Our Mission
Spruce Creek is an ecological masterpiece, wildlife corridor, and home to protected plant and animal species. Our mission is to protect it from an unnecessary, environmentally devastating interchange.
The Interchange
The I-95 Interchange/Pioneer Trail project has been resuscitated despite an outpouring of citizen objections.
Check out the latest progress on the St. John’s River Water Management District permitting process here.
How You Can Help
Spruce Creek has provided water, recreation, and a home to plants, animals and humans for thousands of years. It’s time to do something for her.
Share your comments with the SJRWMD here and Click “Comments.” Also, please join our fundraiser event on 12/9/23 at Yaupon Brothers American Tea; buy tickets here!

The I-95 Interchange Project History
It wasn’t popular from the beginning, but that didn’t stop regulatory agencies, local government officials and a local developer from pursuing permits.
How You Can Help
Hosting yard signs, writing letters, signing a petition, attending events, and talking to your elected public officials and regulatory agencies are some ways you can help.

About Us
We are a group of concerned citizens who care about this environmental jewel and want to protect Spruce Creek for future generations. Check out our social media channels and email us at
“In nature, nothing exists alone.”
Rachel Carson
“The poetry of the earth is never dead.”
John Keats
“What’s the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.”
Henry David Thoreau
Help us Save Spruce Creek
100% of your contributions will go to support our mission.
I grew up fishing that creek, if the local government impair that water body and the associated ecosystems, I will never forget it. I promise that.
No interchange on Pioneer !
No interchange
We must stop compromising the environment for traffic or traffic is all you will see when you drive. This interchange is a bad idea.
No Pioneer interchange please