In case you missed it recently, our fight to stop the terrible I-95/Pioneer Trail Interchange got Front Page coverage in the Daytona Beach News-Journal on Sunday, July 30, 2023! That was great news, and we hope to keep the momentum going! The article actually came out online a few days earlier, authored by Mark Harper, and is called “Environmentalists argue Pioneer Trail interchange at I-95 will harm Spruce Creek watershed.” Here is an excerpt:
“The Pioneer Trail interchange would be less than 1.5 miles from the trailhead on the western side of the Doris Leeper Spruce Creek Preserve.
Another 2017 FDOT study looks at how the interchange will affect the surrounding area. The impact on wetlands and surface water will be “substantial,” the study concluded, while there could be a “moderate” effect on historical and archaeological sites, water quality and quantity, and wildlife and habitats.
The study acknowledges that “indirect effects” have already occurred on the preserve and other rural areas near Pioneer Trail and Turnbull Bay Road on both sides of I-95.“