In 2018, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) released this map of the I-95 at Pioneer Trail Study Area.
Fast forward to 2020, and even as recently as the January 2022 Environmental Report to the St. John’s River Water Management District (SJWRMD), the map looked like this (which was shared with federal agencies.)
And, in just the last few months, the FDOT has secretly added three new and unrelated parts to the project, including two new developer road stubouts and a roundabout (pictured below). These parts were never presented at a public meeting (despite them having several over the last four years), and also should be illegal because they are essentially building infrastructure in a CDD which the CDD promised to build itself.
AND, in this draft document submitted to the SJRWMD, the FDOT is claiming that the project is partially “not” on the State Highway System, yet still trying to use the same federal funding and same federal permits.
This is how we got here – and we have plenty of questions about the legality of this process, the due diligence of the agencies, and the funding sources. Please check back for more updates and post your comments below.
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